The Great God Zeus

Mr. High and Mighty, Mr. “Hey you, get off my Cloud.” He is the great god of the Greek pantheon, he is the almighty, however, he also has a problem with paying child support. This is Zeus, the Greek god of Thunder, lightning, and the sky above. Zeus is the one that stands above allContinue reading “The Great God Zeus”

Greek Mythology

Chaos – The Primordial Age For those writers who dared to look into the deep past of Greek myth, one thing was certain… chaos was there, and chaos was always there. Chaos is an ethereal eternal void of nothingness and everything. In this primordial soup of creation lies the atoms that shall become everything clusteredContinue reading “Greek Mythology”

5 Writers Of Greek Myth

Homer Homer wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey in approximately 1200 bc. With these works, we see the story of the Great Trojan War, a legendary conflict that lasted ten years between the Greek City States and Troy. Though we may not be completely sure if Homer was a single man or many, these twoContinue reading “5 Writers Of Greek Myth”

Top Shows and Movies I look forward to reviewing!

There is no particular order to this list. However, I am very excited to get to each of them. As you know this blog and my youtube channel are mostly based on the study and talk of Mythology – starting off with Greece and Roman myth, but I will include as many more myths, legends,Continue reading “Top Shows and Movies I look forward to reviewing!”

The Percy Jackson TV show

Release date and Number of Episodes As of this post, there is no official release date for the Percy Jackson series on Disney Plus. What we do know is that it’s currently being finished. Filming is done, so they are basically putting the final pieces of the puzzle together in post-production. Now the goal dateContinue reading “The Percy Jackson TV show”

The Ordeal of Cronus & Rhea 

Rulers of the Titans While Greek mythology is pretty brutal with its treatment of innocent humans who stumble or catch a god or goddess’ eye, there are moments when we see love. After all, what makes Greek mythology so powerful are its larger-than-life emotions such as relentless anger, true jealousy, violent hatred, self-sabotaging pride, andContinue reading “The Ordeal of Cronus & Rhea “

When will the Percy Jackson Series be Released?

So as of right now, June 7th, 2023, there is no official or concrete date for the release of the Percy Jackson series premiering on Disney Plus. However, there are a few things that we do know. I hope this helps, and yes I will be updating my info and adding new posts and videosContinue reading “When will the Percy Jackson Series be Released?”

The Twelve Titans

The titans of ancient Greek mythology are a set of twelve powerful deities that ruled the world before the age of the more commonly known Olympians. The Titans were known for their immense strength, connection to more primal forces, and their brutal nature Being born directly from two primordial gods, the Titans are actually theContinue reading “The Twelve Titans”


continued While I have already covered Hecate, the Goddess of Magic, and Witchcraft from Greek Mythology, I felt a real urge to talk a bit more about this amazing goddess. Hecate’s origins are a mystery. She has been compared to Egyptian concepts of magic and paralleled with other magic divinities from the Middle East. SomeContinue reading “Hecate”

Two more of the most popular myths of Greek Myth

Medusa and Perseus – In a very sad way, because of her story, Medusa is perhaps one of the most famous monsters of Greek Mythology. It was up to Perseus to defeat her – yes, the very Perseus that was the inspiration for the name Percy as in Percy Jackson. Medusa was fierce and powerful,Continue reading “Two more of the most popular myths of Greek Myth”