5 Writers Of Greek Myth

Homer Homer wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey in approximately 1200 bc. With these works, we see the story of the Great Trojan War, a legendary conflict that lasted ten years between the Greek City States and Troy. Though we may not be completely sure if Homer was a single man or many, these twoContinue reading “5 Writers Of Greek Myth”

Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?

Nyx Erebus  Eros Tartarus Gaia Depending on the Greek tradition you read, this may change. The Orphic tradition for example has the story of the dancing swan goddess Eurynome and the snake coiling around the Orphic Egg where everything emerges from. Some traditions have Oceanus, the child of Gaia, one of the titans, as the consort of Gaia and therefore the fatherContinue reading “Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?”