The Dividing of the World

Cronus ruled from Mt Othrys, the seat of the great Titans and the world was divided amongst his Titans brothers and sisters. Some took to ruling the sea, replacing old Pontus and Thalassa, others took to ruling elements that interacted with the sky, the sun, the stars and moon. Some of the Titans had childrenContinue reading “The Dividing of the World”

The Odd Case of Triptolemus the Blessed

During her time scouring the earth in search of her long-lost daughter, Demeter stumbled upon a helping hand in the form of a mortal, Coleus. He and his wife invited Demeter in and gave her food and shelter. Now in the ancient Greek tradition, there is a very big theme of inviting or rejecting strangersContinue reading “The Odd Case of Triptolemus the Blessed”

Macaria, Goddess of The Blessed Death

There is very little information on this goddess. In fact, she may be confused with another figure named Macaria relating to the myths of Heracles. Let’s not talk about that one and assume that they are two separate entities which will be easy considering that many scholars do seem to agree that there are simplyContinue reading “Macaria, Goddess of The Blessed Death”


Also known as Rhamnousia Nemesis was the goddess of revenge and the wrath of the gods. She was the goddess of divine retribution and was born of Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night, and Erebus, the primordial entity and manifestation of dark oblivion. Therefore, Nemesis is a family to depression, dreams, sleep, fury, andContinue reading “Nemesis”

3 Greek Gods that Deserve More

Hecate Sure, she has seen some light in recent media and books. For example, she was the goddess in Rick Riordan’s universe of Percy Jackson and The Olympians who was responsible for the mortals being unable to see gods, monsters, and overall magical shenanigans. She also was called upon in the Chilling Adventures of SabrinaContinue reading “3 Greek Gods that Deserve More”

Who is the God of Sleep?

Hypnos Roman Equivalent – Somnus The ancient god Hypnos is the god of sleep. His power is so great that he could lull Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, into a deep sleep twice at the request of Zeus’ wife Hera. Family and Home Hypnos is the son of Nyx, goddess of the night, andContinue reading “Who is the God of Sleep?”

Nyx of the Night

Roman – Nox The Goddess of the Night. Nyx is connected with sleep, fear, madness, and death either because she birthed these very concepts or houses them in her abode of darkness. Even though Nyx was not a particularly active goddess in the myths and legends of the Greeks, it was known that she wasContinue reading “Nyx of the Night”