Ouranus: The Primal Sky

The Primordial Sky and the Birth of Titans Also known as Uranus, Ouranus stands as the grandfather of the Olympians, the Father of the titans and one of the first born to Gaia herself. He is the primordial personification of the sky—a deity whose influence extends far beyond the celestial realm. With his pride andContinue reading “Ouranus: The Primal Sky”

The Disguises of Zeus

Zeus really is one of the most dynamic of the Ancient Greek gods. Sure he eventually transitioned into the Roman Empire and changed his name to Jupiter but nothing will top the amount of rich and interesting stories born from the shenanigans of the Greek Zeus. Let’s take a look at the ten times thatContinue reading “The Disguises of Zeus”

The Seven Wives of Zeus

All hail the almighty Zeus, the great god of thunder, the highest of the high, and the king of the gods and Olympus. He is known for freeing the many handed and cyclops from the underworld, bringing down the era of the Titans and leading the charge against the Gigantes. However as many of youContinue reading “The Seven Wives of Zeus”

Did Poseidon Love Medusa?

There are a lot of intense and complicated questions, especially in regard to Greek mythology and the complexities in relation to the gods. Questions arise as to how they treated each other, how they treated mortal men, and should certain aspects of Greek myth be taught in school. Some stories have a clear hero andContinue reading “Did Poseidon Love Medusa?”

Io, Lover of Zeus

This myth is curious in many ways. One, this event, the wooing of Io by Zeus results in a bloodline that birthed kings, demigods, and Olympian gods. Two, it is a somewhat straightforward story and even though it does carry with it many characters important to Greek lore, the cast isn’t as expansive as sayContinue reading “Io, Lover of Zeus”

The Dividing of the World

Cronus ruled from Mt Othrys, the seat of the great Titans and the world was divided amongst his Titans brothers and sisters. Some took to ruling the sea, replacing old Pontus and Thalassa, others took to ruling elements that interacted with the sky, the sun, the stars and moon. Some of the Titans had childrenContinue reading “The Dividing of the World”

What is the most famous Greek myth?

I guess that all depends on how you got into Greek mythology. What qualifies a myth as being famous when Greek myth has become such an integral part of our modern culture? If we go specifically by figures then perhaps some of the main Olympians might catch your attention such as Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, orContinue reading “What is the most famous Greek myth?”

Is Thor a Greek God?

So the short answer is no, Thor is a Norse god… done and done However, let’s take a look at the connection between Thor and Zeus. I understand that there are lists of “gods of lightning” or “gods of love”, hell, I’ve done those lists. It’s an easy way for those who are not knee-deepContinue reading “Is Thor a Greek God?”


The First God of Greek Mythology            While Greek Mythology has a variety of traditions and origin stories, there does seem to be one underlying factor. The true origin of Greek mythological theatre is Chaos.            Be it Orphic traditions, the Elysium mysteries, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, or Hesiod’s Theogony Chaos was thereContinue reading “Chaos”