The Legacy of the Minotaur

The Minotaur Through the Ages: A Literary Odyssey The Minotaur, a half-man half-bull creature born of myth and imagination, has transcended the boundaries of ancient lore to become a captivating figure in literature. His birth, his pain and his life and death in the labyrinth have inspired writers and artists alike in conversations spanning millennia.Continue reading “The Legacy of the Minotaur”

Minotaur, Lord of the Labyrinth

The Minotaur, a being described as being half man and half bull. It’s a creature of legend and myth, and holds a unique place in Greek mythology. With its intriguing parentage, name, and the iconic tale of Theseus, the Minotaur myth has inspired scholars and readers for millennia. Let’s delve into the labyrinthine world ofContinue reading “Minotaur, Lord of the Labyrinth”

The Good Greek Doctor, Asclepius

Asclepius, was known as the divine healer of Greek Myth and lore. He was the revered god of medicine and healing in Greek myth. His story of life and death crosses between the realm of the dead, the human world and the eventual rising to the status of god. Born to Apollo, the god ofContinue reading “The Good Greek Doctor, Asclepius”

The Disguises of Zeus

Zeus really is one of the most dynamic of the Ancient Greek gods. Sure he eventually transitioned into the Roman Empire and changed his name to Jupiter but nothing will top the amount of rich and interesting stories born from the shenanigans of the Greek Zeus. Let’s take a look at the ten times thatContinue reading “The Disguises of Zeus”

The Seven Wives of Zeus

All hail the almighty Zeus, the great god of thunder, the highest of the high, and the king of the gods and Olympus. He is known for freeing the many handed and cyclops from the underworld, bringing down the era of the Titans and leading the charge against the Gigantes. However as many of youContinue reading “The Seven Wives of Zeus”

The Great God Zeus

Mr. High and Mighty, Mr. “Hey you, get off my Cloud.” He is the great god of the Greek pantheon, he is the almighty, however, he also has a problem with paying child support. This is Zeus, the Greek god of Thunder, lightning, and the sky above. Zeus is the one that stands above allContinue reading “The Great God Zeus”

5 Writers Of Greek Myth

Homer Homer wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey in approximately 1200 bc. With these works, we see the story of the Great Trojan War, a legendary conflict that lasted ten years between the Greek City States and Troy. Though we may not be completely sure if Homer was a single man or many, these twoContinue reading “5 Writers Of Greek Myth”

The Children of Iapetus

Even though many of the Titans were paired up with one another, Iapetus was one of the few who married outside of his sibling group and instead married one of 3000 nieces by Oceanus and Tethys. That makes it better, right? Wife Clymene She was the Daughter of the Lords of the Sea, Tethys, andContinue reading “The Children of Iapetus”

Oceanus, Titan of the Seas

As the first son of the great mother Gaia, goddess of the earth, and of the great father, Uranus, god of the skies, Oceanus became the successor for his uncle’s powers and abilities. considered the first of the new generation of titans, Oceanus took to the great vastness of the world’s oceans with Pontus, theContinue reading “Oceanus, Titan of the Seas”