Giants of a Hundred Hands, Fifty heads, and One Eye

The Hecatoncheires and Cyclopes are extraordinary gigantic beings. They were born from the union of Gaia and Ouranos. Gaia is the Earth goddess, and Ouranus was a Sky deity this means that these giants and their Titan siblings were born from the Union of Heaven and Earth. However, Uranus saw their births as mistakes. InContinue reading “Giants of a Hundred Hands, Fifty heads, and One Eye”

The Cosmic Dancer and the Serpent of Chaos

Eurynome and Orphion: The Mysteries of Creation and the Serpent’s Cult In the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, amidst the pantheon of gods and goddesses, Eurynome and Orphion stand as enigmatic figures. They stand as a separate but equally important myth of cosmic creation and birth of the Greek Pantheon. From the cosmic dance ofContinue reading “The Cosmic Dancer and the Serpent of Chaos”

Ouranus: The Primal Sky

The Primordial Sky and the Birth of Titans Also known as Uranus, Ouranus stands as the grandfather of the Olympians, the Father of the titans and one of the first born to Gaia herself. He is the primordial personification of the sky—a deity whose influence extends far beyond the celestial realm. With his pride andContinue reading “Ouranus: The Primal Sky”

Thalassa: The Ancient Sea

The Depths of the Sea Goddess Thalassa’s role in the Greek pantheon and her appearance in it is somewhat complex. This is primarily because of the lack of information on her. We know she is a primordial sea goddess, and that she was usually coupled with Pontus the ancient sea, but her origins and birthContinue reading “Thalassa: The Ancient Sea”

The First Shift of Power in Greek Myth

In Greek mythology, “Who rules the world?” has always been a hot topic for debate. There have been wars, conspiracies, and yes even a castration all in an effort to see who is the King of the Heavens. After the great creation and birth of the protogenoi, the elder primordial gods – personifications of night,Continue reading “The First Shift of Power in Greek Myth”

Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?

Nyx Erebus  Eros Tartarus Gaia Depending on the Greek tradition you read, this may change. The Orphic tradition for example has the story of the dancing swan goddess Eurynome and the snake coiling around the Orphic Egg where everything emerges from. Some traditions have Oceanus, the child of Gaia, one of the titans, as the consort of Gaia and therefore the fatherContinue reading “Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?”


The First God of Greek Mythology            While Greek Mythology has a variety of traditions and origin stories, there does seem to be one underlying factor. The true origin of Greek mythological theatre is Chaos.            Be it Orphic traditions, the Elysium mysteries, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, or Hesiod’s Theogony Chaos was thereContinue reading “Chaos”

The Primordial Deities of Ancient Greek Mythology

This is a deep dive into the divinities that came before the Olympians and even the titans, the Primordials of Ancient Greek Mythology. I explore what has been written about Chaos and the 5 that emerged from it, and other Primordial beings that may have been mentioned in other traditions.