Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?

Nyx Erebus  Eros Tartarus Gaia Depending on the Greek tradition you read, this may change. The Orphic tradition for example has the story of the dancing swan goddess Eurynome and the snake coiling around the Orphic Egg where everything emerges from. Some traditions have Oceanus, the child of Gaia, one of the titans, as the consort of Gaia and therefore the fatherContinue reading “Who were the Primordials Gods of Greek Mythology?”


The First God of Greek Mythology            While Greek Mythology has a variety of traditions and origin stories, there does seem to be one underlying factor. The true origin of Greek mythological theatre is Chaos.            Be it Orphic traditions, the Elysium mysteries, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, or Hesiod’s Theogony Chaos was thereContinue reading “Chaos”

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld

Also known as Proserpina for the Romans, Persephone is usually talked about when people speak of Demeter or Hades. Persephone is the goddess of spring, vegetation, and of youth and light, and births that occur during this time.

The Primordial Deities of Ancient Greek Mythology

This is a deep dive into the divinities that came before the Olympians and even the titans, the Primordials of Ancient Greek Mythology. I explore what has been written about Chaos and the 5 that emerged from it, and other Primordial beings that may have been mentioned in other traditions.

Hecate, Queen of Magic

Hecate is a goddess and is associated with the underworld being considered a conjurer of ghosts and spirits. She was the goddess of the crossroads and the choosing of one’s own destiny.

Who was Mithras?

The ancient god Mithras was the god of the sun, light, war, fertility and the cosmos. He was a warrior god and often referred to as the unconquered sun.

Becoming an Active Reader

           5 Methods to Become an Active Reader.  I always feel a sense of pride when a student of mine begins to show interest in reading. It’s not that I feel like I was the one that showed them the door or as if I transformed them. I feel proud becauseContinue reading “Becoming an Active Reader”