The Gods and their Animals

Part 1/3 Zeus Eagle, Bull, Swan The animals of Zeus are complicated. Many gods usually have an animal companion, well so does Zeus, but many of the animals sacred to Zeus usually come from his conquest, his lovers. Yeah, talking about Zeus things get questionable very fast. First off we have the eagle, the eagleContinue reading “The Gods and their Animals”

What is the coolest Greek God name?

Ok ok ok… this is a heavy question to answer and honestly, I guess the coolest Greek name for English and Spanish speakers (and I imagine for other languages as well, but I’m only familiar with these two) comes down to three factors In all honesty, all the Greek names have the potential to beContinue reading “What is the coolest Greek God name?”

Who can beat Zeus?

If I get struck by lightning I hope it was not because I answered this question incorrectly. I mean no offense, Papa Zeus! The question of who can beat Zeus – almighty Zeus, “Mr. Hey you, get off my cloud”, The King of the Gods, of Olympus, and ruler of the sky and mortal realmContinue reading “Who can beat Zeus?”

The Odd Case of Triptolemus the Blessed

During her time scouring the earth in search of her long-lost daughter, Demeter stumbled upon a helping hand in the form of a mortal, Coleus. He and his wife invited Demeter in and gave her food and shelter. Now in the ancient Greek tradition, there is a very big theme of inviting or rejecting strangersContinue reading “The Odd Case of Triptolemus the Blessed”

Macaria, Goddess of The Blessed Death

There is very little information on this goddess. In fact, she may be confused with another figure named Macaria relating to the myths of Heracles. Let’s not talk about that one and assume that they are two separate entities which will be easy considering that many scholars do seem to agree that there are simplyContinue reading “Macaria, Goddess of The Blessed Death”

Who is the most Peaceful Greek God?

The answer to this question will come in two parts, as in two answers. In the first part, I will go as much by the definition of peaceful as possible focusing on a single god that will fit the definition of peaceful perfectly, many of you probably already know where I am going with this.Continue reading “Who is the most Peaceful Greek God?”

Two more of the most popular myths of Greek Myth

Medusa and Perseus – In a very sad way, because of her story, Medusa is perhaps one of the most famous monsters of Greek Mythology. It was up to Perseus to defeat her – yes, the very Perseus that was the inspiration for the name Percy as in Percy Jackson. Medusa was fierce and powerful,Continue reading “Two more of the most popular myths of Greek Myth”

What is the most famous Greek myth?

I guess that all depends on how you got into Greek mythology. What qualifies a myth as being famous when Greek myth has become such an integral part of our modern culture? If we go specifically by figures then perhaps some of the main Olympians might catch your attention such as Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, orContinue reading “What is the most famous Greek myth?”

Is Thor a Greek God?

So the short answer is no, Thor is a Norse god… done and done However, let’s take a look at the connection between Thor and Zeus. I understand that there are lists of “gods of lightning” or “gods of love”, hell, I’ve done those lists. It’s an easy way for those who are not knee-deepContinue reading “Is Thor a Greek God?”