And the Reality is?

Do you need a break? From what? In all honesty, I need a break from reality. I know meditation helps with stress and anxiety, and putting in the grind is something that people value or find value in, but the reality is… it sucks. Like sure it’s great to have a sense of accomplishment, butContinue reading “And the Reality is?”

There and Back again… in a day

Think back on your most memorable road trip. To be honest, this was an easy post. Me and my best friend spontaneously decided to drive 6 hours to see Niagara Falls. One night we said, lets go, and then the following 4 am we got in the car and drive from Reading Pennsylvania to NiagaraContinue reading “There and Back again… in a day”

The Busy Work Simulacrum

Come up with a crazy business idea. So in a way I feel like this exist already but if not, this may actually be a gold mine, but not really, or at least I don’t understand how. This business is one to replicate a busy business. Let me explain. Minimum wage, one has to getContinue reading “The Busy Work Simulacrum”

The First one, no the other

What is your all time favorite automobile? Cars are amazing, I wish I had the passion other have with their cars and the money and time to spend on a great ride. My favorite automobile, ok, there can never be one. I love the old timey Ford Model T. The design, the history, even theContinue reading “The First one, no the other”

The Little Things

What was the last thing you did for play or fun? Ok, this one is unfair, I try to prioritize my happiness and health above anything else. Family Drama? nope, hang up, none of my business, don’t care (unless it’s something serious… I just meant like family gossip) Stressed about money? Ok, this happens allContinue reading “The Little Things”