And the Reality is?

Do you need a break? From what?

In all honesty, I need a break from reality. I know meditation helps with stress and anxiety, and putting in the grind is something that people value or find value in, but the reality is… it sucks.

Like sure it’s great to have a sense of accomplishment, but for what? Maybe if your a parent, if you need to live up to someone’s expectations, if your in love, then you see things differently. I am in no way trying to make others feel bad or give off the impression that I’m judging others, everyone is in their own journey.

For me, I’ve never had the luxury of love, I don’t see myself ever having kids. I do have a lot of love in my life, from family, and friends, sure, but in all honesty… the times I have imagined just disappearing from reality.

You know that cottage from Howl’s Moving Castle? Those quaint and silent afternoons? You know that feeling of peace because no one is bothering you, there is no grind… I wish I had a nice cabin, a home with a mountain view, somewhere I could read and write my stories. I dislike being a teacher, I don’t like the grind or dating scene, I’m not interested in manipulating people or giving myself a sense of importance by being above others. I have no pride or great envy… I want a break from, reality because I just want peace, no debt, no longing for love or the past or some nostalgic memory that only hurts, I just want a coffee, the sounds of nature in the background, a foggy or windy atmosphere of rain coming closer, my computer and notebooks to write, and a library behind me ready to be researched or read.

I need a break from the reality I have right now.

Published by Joe's Labyrinth

I am a teacher, a history researcher, and an explorer of mythology. I like to think of myself as a Hermit in a Monk's Library looking through volumes of stories and legends that I wish to share with the world.

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