Top 5 for Groceries

List your top 5 grocery store items.

Top 5:

Something for energy,

Something for growth

One thing for fullness,

A nice treat,

And another to drink

This was an odd prompt for me. I also realize that it sounds as if I created a riddle…ish… but no not really.

My diet has changed several times and I have experimented with many different styles and items depending on my goals. So these five lines are my guide to keep myself as balanced as possible.

Something for energy means anything with potassium or sweet fibers I call it. Cherries, Bananas, Strawberries, blue and black berries. I like many fruits but these are my top. I can buy them in season or frozen for my yogurt.

Something for growth means Protein, cow meat is the best, and so is fish but since I experimented with veganism, tofu, peanuts, and meat substitutes are ok as well.

Fullness is just fiber or snack protein: yogurt, and leafy greens, beans and protein shakes fall here

A nice treat is a sweet. Either dark chocolate or ice cream. Something to calm the impulse or keep me from from breaking a caloric deficit.

And another to drink refers to black coffee, Tea, or Milk. I try to avoid juice and sodas, so these are my life savers and filling.

Published by Joe's Labyrinth

I am a teacher, a history researcher, and an explorer of mythology. I like to think of myself as a Hermit in a Monk's Library looking through volumes of stories and legends that I wish to share with the world.

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