The Omphalos

The Birth of the Olympians.

After Uranus was castrated, Cronus, his son, became the king of the Titans. During his reign, Cronus developed a kind of paranoia in regards to his children. Apparently before he fell, Uranus told his son that a child of his will take It seems like.control of the world. Essentially, Cronus was afraid that his child would do to him what he did to his father. This is what led Cronus to swallow each of his children as they were born. Cronus swallowed Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, and Hera.

Rhea. Queen of the gods and sick of her husband’s attitude, decided to protect her sixth child, Zeus. To do this, she hid Zeus away in the island of Crete and instead covered a stone in baby cloths and gave it to Cronus who promptly swallowed the stone. This stone would be called the Omphalos Stone.

This is the stone that now sits at the center of the world.

Fate of the Stone

Once Zeus became a young adult and cupbearer to the Titan king, he fed Cronus a mixture of mustard and wine causing him to puke out the stone and the 5 other Olympians. While the battles of the gods and titans and giants raged on, the omphalos stone stood there. Presumably, it was left at Mount Othrys.

After the wars and the firm establishment of Zeus’ power in the universe, the King of the gods was curious to find the center of the world and build a great temple complex there. The Sky god released two eagles from the corners of the earth. These eagles were equally strong and flew toward each other at the same speed. Eventually, the eagles met right above what is now the Temple Complex at Delphi.

Here the omphalos stone was placed. The word ‘Omphalos’ itself means navel, the word itself relates to the centerpiece, with the axis mundi, and center part of the world. it is believed that the omphalos has a direct connection with Greek divinities and was used by the oracle at Delphi to bestow prophecies.

Published by Joe's Labyrinth

I am a teacher, a history researcher, and an explorer of mythology. I like to think of myself as a Hermit in a Monk's Library looking through volumes of stories and legends that I wish to share with the world.

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