The Percy Jackson TV show

Release date and Number of Episodes

As of this post, there is no official release date for the Percy Jackson series on Disney Plus. What we do know is that it’s currently being finished. Filming is done, so they are basically putting the final pieces of the puzzle together in post-production. Now the goal date that I found online is January – June… which is a 6-month possible period. I am personally hoping for a May/June premiere because… well, the first book takes place for the summer solstice.

There will be a total of 8 episodes.

Actors and actresses

Now there was a bit of controversy about the actors and actresses chosen as either gods or demigods in the show. Personally speaking, I don’t really care about it. Let’s look at it through the lens of the very books. Sure some demigods and gods have specific descriptions, but the books also say that the gods change and morph throughout time… Zeus being black (rest in peace for the amazing actor) actually makes sense, cause the power of the world – in the books – is the USA. I am pretty sure that when Zeus and Olympus were over the British empire then he may have been English, or Indian in some versions. The possibilities are endless. 

As for the demigods, again, I don’t really mind. I mean as long as the actors bring it. I mean, Rick Riordan said he was blown away by what he has seen, so I am absolutely sure the actors have brought it. Also, the actress who is playing Medusa is amazing! I love Jessica Parker Kennedy since her appearance in Black Sails. XS was ok – in the flash – but the show was… well it wasn’t her fault. Another actor from the Black Sails universe, how amazing is this right?, is Toby Stephens as Poseidon. 

Yeah, I am very excited for the show.

Personally looking forward too

Now that we know the number of episodes, talked a bit about the actors, and have a very vague release date. What am I looking forward to seeing in the show… honestly, the gods. More specifically, I want to see Ares! I want to see Poseidon in a new way!

Do you know what my biggest problem is with live action Greek mythology? Is that the gods don’t glow like they did in Disney:s Hercules. I kinda want that… 

Now we all know Medusa is coming, so is the minotaur, but what of the stretcher and of the epic battle against Ares? I also want to see Percy just talk to the zebra on the train and see the Nemean lion outside. I want to see Clarisse! I especially want to see how each bunk will be visually represented! I want that clash of personalities in the houses of the camp and how the kids are very obviously from particular gods… 

In Conclusion

I am all the excited, every excited, each excited for this show that I can possibly be. I am really excited, could you tell? Hopefully, it’s better than the movies, which based on the low bar the movies set – Honestly, I do have some opinions on the movie – it shouldn’t be that hard. However, I do know from media experience in the last decade or so, that we shouldn’t put our hopes too high when we are excited about something – cough, Marvel phase 4 cough. So in conclusion, I am looking forward to seeing the show and covering it on a weekly basis, but I am lowering my expectations… I hope. A new trailer will definitely give us a better look at what we should expect.

Let me know what you’re looking forward to the most in the Percy Jackson series? Is it the layout of Camp Half-blood? T-shirts, blue stuff, certain mythical animals in particular, appearances of certain gods, or characters?

Published by Joe's Labyrinth

I am a teacher, a history researcher, and an explorer of mythology. I like to think of myself as a Hermit in a Monk's Library looking through volumes of stories and legends that I wish to share with the world.

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