

Amalthea is the goat of all goats, the supreme goat leader, for without her, all Greek mythology may not have happened as we know it.

After the fall of the great sky, Uranus, Cronus the youngest of the titans became the king of a great Golden Age. With his sister-wife, Rhea, Cronus had six children. However, because he had heard some prophecy about his own fall, he ate? swallowed each one of the children whole. Well, At least the first five. Rhea replaced the sixth, with a stone. Cronus, the guy did not even notice. She took her child, baby Zeus and went to the island of Crete. It was there in a cave where baby Zeus was kept secret.

In this cavern, there were several figures, two guards to make noise any time Zeus cried so as not to attract the attention of Cronus, Melissa the nymph, and Amalthea, the sacred goat whose milk fed Zeus.

There are conflicting stories about the origins of this nymph, or goddess, often represented as a lady goat. Amalthea’s milk gave the infant strength as he grew in power into a powerful young deity.

In one of these myths, as Zeus suckled on the goat and began playing with her, he accidentally broke off one of her horns which then exploded in sustenance. This cornucopia provided the user with endless food and nourishment in the form of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. There is another myth that says the cornucopia was created by Heracles breaking off the horn of a river god.

So that sums it up, Zeus’ childhood was fleeing his psychotic child-eating father, being raised in a cavern in Crete, being taken care of by two loud peeps, a nymph, and drinking goat milk. It sounds surprisingly good.

Nevertheless, after her death, after the goat Amalthea, Zeus took her skin and used it as a shield, in the infamous Aegis, and used it in the battles against the titans.

Published by Joe's Labyrinth

I am a teacher, a history researcher, and an explorer of mythology. I like to think of myself as a Hermit in a Monk's Library looking through volumes of stories and legends that I wish to share with the world.

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